
Hang’n up my Boots
Its time to say farewell my friend
Thanks for your service that’s now at an end
No more orders or control of my life
Time to stay home, spend time with the wife
You’ve been a good fit my comfy boot
Better than dress shoes or even a suit
It’s been a good life of that I’ve no doubt
But now I find we’re a bit aged and worn out
Time to move on and time for a rest
But what a good life I think I’ve been blessed
Not always easy, often terribly hard
A few jaded moments I’d prefer to discard
As I think of the journey we have had together
By day and by night regardless of terrain, season and weather
I will miss you my friend you’ve formed much of my life
But it was never forever, time to cut ties with a knife
I hope the next chapter is good for my sole
I know I must nurture myself to feel fully whole
So as I say my farewell, it is with sadness and tears
But onto what’s next despite all my fears.

Pen & Pencil

Life Drawing